The Remarkable Herbal Cancer Fighter

By Sheila Snow & Mali Klein


"The only book that contains the authenticated herbal recipe for Essiac.  Essiac has come full circle.  Now, more than ever before, it has become increasingly important that the emphasis be laid where it truly belongs--in the hands of individuals in need, who can make Essiac in their own kitchen, using their own utensils, rather than relying solely on larger organizations and commercial companies for supply.

"Credited with saving lives for more than half a century, Essiac is a unique herbal tea made from burdock root, sheep sorrel herb, slippery elm bark, and turkey rhubarb root.  Formulated by a Native American medicine man, the original recipe was given to Rene Caisse, a Canadian nurse who used it to successfully treat thousands of cancer patients in her free clinic.  And now, with ESSIAC ESSENTIALS,  you too can benefit from this safe and effective herbal remedy.

"Written by Sheila Snow, a personal friend of Rene Caisse, and Mali Klein, founder of Britain's The Clouds Trust, which conducts research into Essiac, the book includes detailed instructions on where to buy Essiac, the most effective ways to brew it, and how to easily grow and harvest it at home.  Sheila Snow's unprecedented access to Rene's case histories allows you to be sure you're getting the exact recipe and dosages that have been shown to fight cancer worldwide.

"Be aware--other books claim to offer the recipe, but these are all modified versions of the authenticated one, and simply don't provide the same cancer-fighting benefits.

"ESSIAC ESSENTIALS features case histories and moving testimonies from patients who beat cancer with Essiac!"

ESSIAC ESSENTIALS is the definitive book on how to identify, grow, harvest, dry, store and brew your own Essiac tea herbs at home. 

ESSIAC ESSENTIALS also contains the Rene Caisse story, frequently asked questions, photos, drawings, glossary, resources & suppliers.  Soft cover, 122 pages.

There are two editions of ESSIAC ESSENTIALS--the American edition and the UK edition.  The only difference is the cover.  The American version is shown above (left) and the UK version has a green cover (right).  The contents are exactly the same.  

ESSIAC ESSENTIALS  is out of print and may be available through


CLICK HERE to watch the video on How to Make Essiac Tea in your own home.


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